Other Budget Requests

Make your requests for funds not included in a thrift store budget. Examples: classroom equipment and other classroom needs, general school needs, organizational needs that exceed your thrift store budget, general support of the student, staff, and faculty experience at Northwood.


Have you already emailed Dr. Walston to ask if the school or district has money to fund this request? If so, proceed! If not, please do so before filling out this form.

Other Budget Requests will be considered at monthly PTSA Board meetings, held the last Tuesday. of each month at 1 p.m. Please submit your budget requests by the end of the day on the Thursday prior to the scheduled board meeting.

Other budget expenditures will be evaluated with the following priorities in mind:

  • Available resources

  • Number of students impacted

  • Equitable distribution of resources

  • Priorities of Northwood administration

If you have questions about special budget requests or how to fill out this form, please contact the treasurer.

PTSA Other Budget Request Form